143 Conceptual art group established 14.3.1975. in the apartment of Jerko Denegri & Biljana Tomic participants:Biljana
Tomic,Misko Suvakovic,
Jovan Cekic,Slobodan Sajin,Momcilo Rajin etc.
1980.-1982. THE GRAPHIC ART Slobodan Sajin
worked on silk-screen printings and developed an unique art graphic monotype technique that called "REPRINT" (REcycle
PRINT) Also participated in AUTOPSIA group, with.R.Milinkovic
and S.Vukelic.
1982.AUX MANIERE (U MANIRU) Art GRoup Established
by Slobodan Sajin (1952.) and Momcilo Rajin(1954.), both graduated historians of Art (menthor prof. Lazar Trifunovic).
1983.MEDIA TRANSFORMATIONS Museum of Contemporary
Art,Belgrade Exhibition of reprints on the occasion of Jasna Tijardovic seminar.
DE SIECLE Happy Gallery SKC, Belgrade Exhibition of reprints.Curated by Slavko Timotijevic

DE SIECLE-THIS IS TODAY Zagreb City Gallery,
Zagreb Exhibition of reprints.Curated by Mladen Lucic

1985.I GIOIELLI DELLA LIRICA Happy Gallery SKC, Belgrade Exhibition of hand coloured
photographs.Curated by Slavko Timotijevic

1985.SUSPICIOUS MINDS LandsMuseum, Ruma Exhibition of reprints,photos and cover
design.Curated by Vladimir Mattioni

1986.ARMAGEDON-BRIDGES 86 Pavilion "Cvijeta Zuzoric",Belgrade Various artists
exhibition (about 30)
Aux Maniere,Verbumprogram,Alter Imago,Rasa Todosijevic,Misko Suvakovic,Fedja Klikovac,Dusan Otasevic,Halil Tikvesa,Era
Milivojevic,Dragoslav Krnajski,Goran Djordjevic,Rada Cupic,Vlado Rancic...
